Koidulapark Hotel

Koidulapark Hotel offers simple summer accommodation in the center of Pärnu on the edge of the historic Koidula Park.



Single room

1 guest


Bed width 140 cm


Double | Twin room

1-2 guests


1 double bed with a width of 160 cm or 2 separate beds with a width of 80 cm

An extra bed or baby cot is available for a child in selected rooms


Room for a guest with special needs

1-3 guests


2 separate beds with a width of 80 cm

The shower room is spacious and has the necessary aids

It is located on the 1st floor and is wheelchair accessible

Extra bed or cot available for a child



1-6 guests


In the bedroom, a double bed with a width of 160 cm

In the living room there are 2 pull-out sofa beds with a width of 138 cm

Kitchen corner in the living room

The room price does not include hotel breakfast, but it can be ordered on site


Accommodation for children


Possibility of an extra bed

The hotel rooms are quite small, but in selected rooms it is possible to place one extra bed for children.

  • Baby cot for children up to 3 years old free of charge
  • Extra bed for a child aged 4-8 years €15/night
  • Extra bed for a child aged 9-17 years €20/night

Prices include breakfast and taxes.

Bring your pet on vacation!

All well-behaved pets are welcome at the hotel together with the owners

  • If you are coming on holiday with a pet, please let us know when booking
  • The fee for each pet is €10

Note for pet owners:

A pet must not be left unattended in the hotel or its territory

Pets are not allowed in the hotel restaurant

Please ensure that pets are kept on a leash both in the hotel and its territory

During the entire stay in the hotel, the owner is responsible for cleanliness and ensures that the pet does not disturb other vacationers

The owner bears compensation for damages caused by the pet, incl. Extra charge if the room needs extensive cleaning after the visit (including dry cleaning).


  • Parking for 10 cars in the hotel’s backyard
  • Parking in this car park is free of charge only for cars registered at the hotel reception.
  • The car park is unattended
  • We do not reserve parking spaces in the car park.
  • When the parking lot is full, it is possible to park in the paid or free parking areas of Pärnu city, which can be found at the hotel reception or https://parnu.ee/en/135-parkimine.

Contact us

The address is

Kuninga 38, Pärnu, Estonia, 80014


Hotel reception 24/7

How to come to us?

The bus station is a 5-minute walk from the hotel. Buses run from the bus station to Tallinn and Riga, Vilnius and beyond. Bus stops for city lines are also located there.

A 5-minute walk along Ringi Street to the park and then 2 steps right and you’re there.

Bus number 23 runs on the route Airport and Pärnu bus station. A bus ticket bought from the bus driver costs €3.

Koidulapark Hotelli digipööre

Kogu külalislahkuse sektor püsib külalisi vastuvõtvatel lahketel inimestel.

Paraku on sektoris töötavad spetsialisti staatuses töötajad sunnitud klientidega suhtlemise asemel tegelema suures mahus mehhaanilise andmesisestusega. Automatiseeritud andmevahetus hotelli ja klientide vahel tõstab andmete kvaliteeti ning säästab aega. Teenuse kasutusmugavus suureneb tänu asjakohasele riistvarale ja nutikatele lahendustele füüsilises keskkonnas. Erinevate tarkvarade integratsioon võimaldab automatiseerida ettevõttesisesed andmevood ning välistab inimliku eksimuse võimaluse.

Koidulapark Hotelli digipöörde tulemusena tõuseb töötajate infotehnoloogia-alane kvalifikatsioon ning kogu tööjõu vajadus väheneb üle 20%.

Koidulapark Hotelli digipöörde projekti kogumaksumus on 129 612 eurot, millest 59 006 eurot on toetuse summa, mida rahastatakse Euroopa Liit taasterahastu NextGenerationEU vahenditest.